Doula Services

Frankie Travis, Doula Services, Sonoma

Hi, I'm Frankie. I've been catching babies since 1979. My mom was a midwife and that first catch for me was my piano teacher in my parents bedroom. I've got lots of stories but my big takeaway was birth is normal and I loved my mother in that setting. She was accepting of all lifestyles, choices and expressions in birth. This was a big deal for me as the daughter of a very religious family. 

With the experience of being an assistant to natural birth throughout my childhood and hearing stories of the hospital births and protocols in comparison, I went into my 20's surprisingly confident and empowered to support women's health and choice in pregnancy. I was a natural doula: babysitting all ages at all times of day or night. I made a conscious choice to go to NYC and become a professional actress and sing and dance my way through my 20's. It was there that I realized my life was really unusual. 

When I approached my own motherhood at 30 years old I became reinspired to support women on their journeys into motherhood. Those early years of doula work in NY were unique in that no one knew what a doula was and the climate in NY was very medicalized and midwifery was certainly on the fringe of birth practices, not to mention homebirth.  My inroad to connecting with expectant mothers was my storytelling.  I take great joy in giving women inspiration to dream up their vision for birthing and empowering them to dismantle what beliefs might not serve them. 

I firmly believe parents need education and trust in physiological birth to feel empowered in their process of becoming parents. 

I'd love to support you in preparation for conception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum.  Give me call to discuss the possibilities: 707-483-3839